School Time!

Get out your paper and pencils—or iPads, as some schools have it. Time for a


1. Which amendment in the Bill of Rights protects a citizen in criminal cases, specifying that the court cannot require or compel one to testify or bear witness against him or herself?

a. Amendment I
b. Amendment III
c. Amendment V
d. Amendment VII

2. A zebra’s stripes are its defense against lions and hyenas, two predators that have which fact in common?

a. Their females are predominantly 10% larger than their males.
b. They are both part of the cat family.
c. They can run up to 50 miles per hour.
d. They are color blind.

3. What is wn?

45 = 5/9 x wn

a. 81
b. 72
c. 40
d. 76

4. What prophet succeeded Elijah, asking that a double portion of Elijah’s spirit be upon him?

a. Noah
b. Elisha
c. Isaiah
d. Benhadad

5. Complete the sentence with the correct verb form and explanation.

“I wish I (was, were) finished with this quiz.”

a. was; singular verb form agrees with singular subject
b. were; ‘if’ or ‘wish’ changes verb to subjunctive mood
c. was; realistic wish places verb in indicative mood
d. It is a matter of hot debate.


The answers are:

1. c (That’s what “I plead the fifth” means.)
2. d (The zebra’s stripes were a dead giveaway, right?)
3. a (It took me forever to figure this one out. Math is not my friend.)
4. b (II Kings 2:9)
5. c (I thought it was ‘b’ until I researched it online. It’s a freebie if you went with ‘d.’)

Have you ever wondered what ends up knocking around in this brain of mine after a day of homeschooling? Well, there you have it.

And everyone needs their thirty minutes of aerobic exercise!

Everyone has a story: Rilla Zerbert

Shelly asked me three questions. How would you answer?

The Goal List

After introducing the mini-interviews last week, I’ve received a lot of interest in continuing them, so consider them now a permanent part of the blog!

Today’s mini-interview is with Rilla Zerbert, an American writer working on a new book called Dragonfly Prince.

Rilla Zerbert - Photo used with permissionRilla Zerbert – Photo used with permission

What is one of your dreams for your life?
My temporal dream is to publish my book, Dragonfly Prince. It’s a modern Alice-In-Neverland adventure.

My eternal dream is to go to heaven. I want to be with God always. In the meantime, I’m trying to learn what it is to love in an eternal sense.

What is something on your bucket list?
I’d like to visit Ta Prohm temple monastery, dating from 1186 A.D. I’ll like to see with my own eyes the decorative carvings of the animals, specifically the stegosaurus. I get super excited by the evidence…

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